Get to know me better tag | PERSONAL
Okay, to be honest. You guys probably do not know me that well. That is why I want to post some tags once in while. The first one's today: The get to know me better tag. How surprising.
Ohmy, that's a tough one. Ehm, probably some fruit or something. Not that I am super super healthy or something, but I like the idea of me forever eating strawberries more than the idea of me forever eating chips.
2. Have you got any tattoos? If not, would you like one?
Nope, none. I like simple and subtle tattoos but I do not think I will ever have one. It scares me that it is permenant.
3. If you were to be reincarnated into an animal, what would you be and why?
Let me think. A bird, maybe? Or a cat. Because birds are free and are able to just fly away. A cat because I simply love cats.
4. Do you think money is happiness?
Money is not happiness, but money can make dreams come true. Money just helps a lot.
5. If you were to dye your hair, what colour would it be?
Probably nothing very interesting. A little darker than I already have I suppose.
6. Cheapest makeup product you own?
Ha! That's definitely my lip pencil from the market. I bought it for only 0,50 euro.
7. What do you think is the coolest accent?
Ooooh, I love the typical Britisch accent.
8. If given a million dollars, what is the first thing you would do with it?
Go on a road trip with my family.
9. What is one tv show that you really don't like?
I really don't like all those kitsch tv shows. So fake, so simple, nah.
10. What is your favorite holiday and why?
Summer, for sure. Sun isn't the main reason. Don't worry about school is. You can just forget everything and start over after the holiday.
11. How do you like to relax?
I don't need much. I just like chilling with a magazine or a book. Or by watching a show.
12. One secret you don't mind sharing with us?
Ew well, I don't have that much secrets. I am kind of an open book. Ehm, not really a secret if you know me, but I just want to be a singer or actress.
Love, x
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